Finance team collaborating

Your go-to Accounting & Finance recruiters

Streamline your Accounting & Finance team with top-tier talent and a partner with the experience to deliver results.

Finance staffing done right.

CoWorx has the comprehensive solutions to deliver talented Accounting & Finance professionals. Here are some of the ways we can help:

  • Talent matched to your specific needs: Making a poor hiring decision for accounting positions can have significant repercussions on your business’s performance, culture, and reputation. Our specialized recruiters use rigorous screening and assessment processes to evaluate qualifications, experience, leadership abilities, and cultural fit.
  • Leverage our negotiation expertise: CoWorx Accounting and Finance recruiters often serve as intermediaries between businesses and talent during the negotiation phase of the hiring process. We can facilitate salary negotiations, benefits discussions, and other contractual matters to create an agreement that benefits and satisfies both parties.
  • Your trusted long-term strategic partner: Establishing relationships with reputable Accounting and Finance recruiters benefits your business in the long run. These partnerships allow you to tap into our expertise and resources whenever you have professional-level hiring needs in the finance space.

The right resources ready to deliver the best Accounting & Finance talent.

Executive sponsorship

Our Executive Leadership Team is an accomplished, highly regarded group of experts in their fields. They provide strategic planning and tactical support to our organization and, in turn, to our clients.

Speed to Talent

We make it easy for finance talent to work with us. Our customized recruiting processes allow us to contact and move talent through the hiring process quickly and efficiently.

Best-in-Class Technology

We invest in the most up-to- date technology platforms to support our specialized recruitment processes, creating more engaged and connected experiences with our talent.

Oversight and Accountability Practices

We make it simple to track performance, create opportunities for accountability, and mitigate risks to our clients.

Our Accounting recruiters place talent with a wide range of skill sets:

  • Accounting Management
  • Accounts Payable
  • Financial Analysis
  • Accounting
  • Control
  • Financial Planning
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Chief Financial Operator
  • And much more.

Solutions to your needs.

CoWorx offers multiple lines of business to best serve your diverse needs.